Les légendes et folklores. Les souvenirs des le monde anciennes
Hikayat. Garuda. Puteri. Voyages fantastiques.
Nous perdons, et nous perdons une partie intrinsèque de nous
legends and folklores
hikayat, syair dan wayang
hikayat, syair dan wayang
memories of ancient days
magical, whimsical
almost gone
penglipurlara, pak dalang, mak yong
penglipurlara, pak dalang, mak yong
held court with wit
timeless wisdom
almost extinct
legendary heroes
hang tuah, che siti, santubong
hang tuah, che siti, santubong
larger than life
tragicly ridiculed
almost irrelevant
ancient kingdoms
campa, majapahit, melaka, langkasuka
campa, majapahit, melaka, langkasuka
lessons from the past
forgotten, therefore
sadly repeated
almost annihilated
almost annihilated
by ninotaziz
Victoria over at dVerse encourages us to give in to our voice today.
I use my voice to revive legends of the ancient Malay kingdoms. And to stress its importance to our sense of self, continuity and people.
At the International Congress of Asian Folklore in Jogjakarta this June, I hope to emphasize the need to provide new content for Asian folklore with my paper entitled Reviving Ancient Folklore Through Historical Fiction.